Friday, February 12, 2010

LIFE LESSON( for Cormac McCarthy); A Very Short Play

A banquette on MAGAZINE STREET, in the Irish Channel of New Orleans, late October, late afternoon/early evening.

A MAN, about 30, and BOY, about 8, presumably father and son, enter DOWNSTAGE RIGHT and amble slowly across the stage toward an UPSTAGE LEFT exit. They are middle class African Americans. The MAN wears comfortable jeans and an unadorned dark blue sweatshirt; the boy wears a school uniform, khakis and a short-sleeved oxford collar shirt, a dark blue sweater tied around his waist. They traverse the breadth of the stage at the same unrushed pace. Dialog should start about one quarter of the way across and be finsished by halfway, so they walk the second half of the distance in silence.

MAN: Almond Joy?
BOY: Got nuts.
MAN: Mounds?
BOY: Don't.

Lights should remain up for a few seconds after they have exited.

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